October 14

Personal Prayer
Praise your all-powerful God for conquering sin and death. Thank him for new life in Christ and for saving you from the torment of sin and the agony of eternal death. Confess to God any apathy toward his powerful love in your life. Ask him to develop moment-by-moment awareness of his love for you and a passion to share this love with unbelievers. Commit to praying regularly for unsaved friends, family members, and neighbors. Ask that God will use you to reflect his love, his life, his lordship.

For Your Family and Friends
Pray that the all-powerful God will extend strength to those in your family who call on his name.

For the Church
Pray that your congregation will recognize the importance of faithful stewardship to ministries which unleash God’s power.

For the Kingdom
Ask that the effects of sin, death, destruction, and hatred will soon be overcome by the almighty power of the living God.

For People to Know Jesus
Pray that those who strive for earthly power will come face-to-face with its futility and surrender all to Jesus.