Keep Praying Despite Delayed Answers

By Dave Earley Have you prayed seriously about a matter and received no answer? Have you removed the roadblocks to answered prayer and are still not seeing a response to your request?  Have you fasted and prayed, and yet have no results? Are you living as right with God as you possibly know, and yet,…

The Most Important Prayer to Pray

I am a busy pastor and professor. Like many of you, I receive many calls, texts, messages, requests, and emails daily. But only a few of them take precedence over all the others—the messages from my kids. As a father, I respond to my kids readily and attentively because of our relationship. Two thousand years…

Pray for Your City

When my wife and I moved to Indiana 14 years ago, we settled in the country between Terre Haute, a fair-sized city of 70,000, and Brazil, a small town of 6,000. Our work was in Terre Haute, but our heart was in Brazil. Even though we left a major city to move here, our hearts…

9 Compelling Reasons to Pray the Word

By Kim Butts Years ago, I was taught how to pray the Word of God—and it revolutionized my prayer life. It is the ultimate prayer manual written by God Himself. The Bible always makes His will clear to us through the written Word. Anything the Holy Spirit makes known to us will always be in…

April 4

Here is your daily Love2Pray prayer pattern. It is designed to help you to pray beyond just everyday needs. Personal Prayer Praise God, who is light and in whom there is no darkness at all (1 Jn. 1:5). Thank the Lord for being your light and your salvation (Ps. 27:1). Confess any times you have…