April 5

Personal Prayer
Praise God for the wonderful gift of language. Thank him for communicating with you in words and ways which you can understand. Confess those times when you have used words to harm or dishearten another person (Prov. 12:25; 15:1). Commit yourself to keeping your tongue in check at all times (Jas. 3:3-12). Ask God to enable you to overcome the evil which an untamed tongue so quickly breeds in one’s life.

For Your Family and Friends
Pray for opportunities to build up and encourage any friends whose spirits may be sagging. Pray that the tongue will be an instrument of peace and not strife in your family life.

For the Church
Uphold those who teach Christian doctrine in your congregation. Pray that they will be careful to teach the truth. Ask that they might communicate spiritual truths in an engaging and effective manner.

For the Kingdom
Pray for ministries and organizations which are translating the Bible into written languages for the first time ever. Ask God to prosper the translation and distribution of his Word.

For People to Know Jesus
What a wonder that Jesus is the Word made flesh (Jn. 1:1-2, 14). Pray that many who hear of him will repent and believe.

Prayer Pointer
“The more we pray, the more our horizons expand and the more we come to expect from a supernatural, miracle-working God.” —Anonymous